Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Theater 3, chapter 7.2

Shades of Grey - Part Six

Come dark they pulled clear of the track to camp and the who bunks where question suddenly became apparent. They should have realised dark would be the hardest, but neither Carolynn or Jed had had any children and although Nathan had been a father, and an absent one at that, it was so long ago he’d forgotten. The problem was eventually solved by Jed and Nathan taking the watches and Carolynn having both Joseph and Mariah for what would prove to be a long and sleepless dark for him, for after a few understandable tears, one of Nathan’s “song‘s” and a story from “uncle Jed”, both children were out for the duration.
“The sleep of the just !” Carolynn was sure that’s why some adults got so angry with children, it was envy, a jealous envy of the innocence, of the yet unbroken promise that everything would be alright because someone told you it would and you had yet no reason to disbelieve. But it was that which was the inherent vulnerability, for they possessed the cruellest thing that could be stolen !
As he sat at the opening of the canvas gazing out into the dark Mountains, Carolynn tried to recall such a time in his own life, a time when he believed it would all be alright and try as he might, he could think of none. There had only ever been one person just in who’s company he had found anything remotely like such peace, but she was gone now, and he had never found anything like it since !

It was quiet here, refreshingly so after Grey, for the City always seemed to have something to say both by dark and by light. Out here though, almost every sound was cautious, measured and had a very real purpose or was not made at all. Drifting in countless thoughts, the dark passed him by, neither asleep nor truly awake, until stirred into action by the coming light and the emergence of a horizon far to the East. Then as the Mountains swallowed their shadow’s, a new light was upon them and the smell of Jed’s cooking had the children wide awake and giggling at the novelty of eating outdoors food cooked with a fire, when all food came in ready to heat and eat sachet’s for the most part. It was more than enough to have them dressed and up, running to find Jed and see for themselves what he was up to and what it was that smelled so good. Carolynn watched them until they reached Jed, then focussed on re-packing their gear and folding away the canvas for today’s leg of their journey. By the time he got it all tied away, both of them were lying on their backs deep in conversation as to who would burst first with the amount they’d eaten !

“Morning all” he called, getting a hi from Nathan, a grunt from Jed and silence from the children who were still wrapped in their bursting debate ! He grabbed a few bits to eat in passing, carrying on through camp to check the destriers before this lights journey.
With the snow not so very distant, Zalthar’s Sun was low in the early light sky, the road was clear and they made good progress till it began once more to fade, but were still making slower going as the destrier’s responded naturally to the additional weight by pacing themselves accordingly. Therefore as the light was coming to a close, they were still higher in the Worldspine’s than he would have liked, an so it was with greater care that he searched for a suitable spot to camp for the dark.
He found one relatively quickly, a side trail from a bend in the main track, which rose steeply until the gradient became too severe, then it turned and snaked along the steep contours, doubling back upon itself as it climbed. It ended in a wide ledge at the foot of a sheer cliff where there stood the ruins of two, possibly three old shacks, the fourth side of each of which was the cliff itself.
“This will do nicely.” Remarked Nathan, “How do you find these places Carolynn ?”
“I just look for what shouldn’t be there,” he replied, “then follow it !”
“Very good, like its that easy.”
“Tell you what, you try next time and see for yourself how it goes and I guarantee you’ll be surprised ! Right, down everybody, Mariah and Joe, you can do the horses this time, make sure they all eat and have something to drink, then come get me and I’ll show you how to do the harnesses.“ The other’s set about their tasks like clockwork, gear unpacked, canvasses up, fire lit and whilst Jed got some food on the go, Nathan watched the main track in both directions for a while, satisfying himself that they had not been obviously followed. By the time Carolynn caught up with Mariah and Joseph, the horses had been fed and watered and they were giving them a rub-down as they had been taught.
“Very good you two.” praised Carolynn, “diner’s almost ready, so wash-up and come get some !” He didn’t have to repeat himself.

Nathan was suddenly next to him, “You got a moment ?” at which he excused himself and he two of them walked a way off from the fire and the eagerly waiting diners.
“Saw someone cross the track, about three mile back, and by the angle I’d say they’re headed this way !”
“Just one ?”
“Yeah, I think so, but I’d only just turned East as I’d been looking West for a good two, three before so I don‘t know.”
“Well for now safest to assume there was more than one headed this way, come on, we have some new recruits to brief.”
Back at the fire, Joseph and Mariah were inhaling dinner and were not far off finished. Carolynn waited for them to put their bowl’s down, before to Nathan ‘s amazement,
explaining to the two of them that they were possibly being followed just as he would have done to himself or Jed ? What was even more strange was the children’s reaction, for they seemed to know exactly what he was saying and what was expected of them. Carolynn had spoken long with Martin about how he approached the harshness of life in Grey with kids and he had told him that he just gave it to them straight. His philosophy was always tell them the truth, just not all of the truth unless necessary ! And Carolynn had seen no reason to interfere with his wishes.
They set up canvass in the Western most and structurally soundest ruin, one that retained most of it’s four walls and part of its roof. Watch and corral for the destrier’s was in the middle ruin, as that to the East was little more than an outline of mud-bricks now. 1st watch was Nathan and Carolynn got to spend another night with the two children, who he knew were going to find it difficult. Before bedding down, he left them with Jed for a while and undertook a brief survey of their home for th night.
They were fortunate with their location indeed as the broad ledge held virtually no cover along its entire length save the ruins they occupied. It had been quarried at some time and most of the loose material they left underfoot seemed to have some suppressive effect on plants, which were short and straggly and discoloured where they grew at all. He pulled out his monocular and studied the track to the East for some time, moving the field of vision along the verges too, but there was no signs of life and so satisfied there was nothing to see, he set off back to the ruins.

Then from behind him came the sound like displaced gravel and he spun, shotgun raised dropping to one knee, only to face an open expanse of ledge. Cautiously, he sidled over to the edge and looked down the way they had come and again, nothing ! Confident of what he had heard and that stones rarely displace themselves, he pursued the sound, moving at a crouch closer to the lip of the ledge, peering down into the deepening shadow’s as dark fell, yet still there was no sign of anyone or anything out there. Slowly he began to retrace his steps, back towards the ruins remaining crouched, shotgun with it’s solid slug/HE load-out poised, the safety off. As he got closer, Nathan saw him and advanced out to meet him.
“What gives ?“ he whispered, also peering out into the gloom yet seeing nothing.
“I think we may have company, about 70 yards out and very light on their feet.“ replied Carolynn jabbing toward the suspected location with his gun barrel.
“Lets back-up.” Slowly they began to retreat toward the ruins, keeping their gaze to the East. Reaching the second ruin, Nathan slipped inside to warn Jed and check upon their charges as Carolynn took up position in the now empty door recess. From within he heard Nathan whispering and then the sound of Jed’s shotgun cocking as he slid a shell into the chamber. An automated “clunk, clunk, clunk” heralded the cycling of the auto-loader of Nathan’s grenade launcher too, this would not be an easy kill for someone that was certain !A moment later,Nathan re-appered at the doorway and he and Carolyn cautiously advanced across to the Easternmost ruins broken wall’s, still unable to make out any opposition. The dark was silent, and that was not right for starters.
“There should be birds still out at this time,” whispered Nathan in a a hushed tone, ”but there‘s nothing, no sounds whatsoever and that means someone or something has them spooked. “
“Could be us ?” said Carolynn ?”
“We might be scary to those in the know, but last I heard that weren’t birds,” chuckled Nathan despite himself. Then, away in the distance, a lope-cat howled, a hollow, desperate howl. More guttural than either of them remembered , then fell abruptly silent. This was followed by another, then a 3rd until soon there were some half dozen of them out in the dark, crying to the new moon that bobbed in and out of thickening high cloud. Further off, thunder rumbled and moments later an electric blue flash lit the whole horizon, the sky darkened, and almost imperceptibly to start, the first drops of rain fell. Carolynn and Nathan pulled up the hoods on their capes, and whilst Carolynn held their post, Nathan slipped back, returning with a sheet of heavy canvas and ties which they hastily hung from the ruin and lashed against the rising wind as the rain came on harder and the last vestiges of light vanished. Soon there was a steady patter as each peered out his end of the bivouac, a fresh clap of thunder resonating from the cliff at their backs behind , staring out into the down pour, looking for a sign they were or were not in danger. The rumbling above and constant drumming of rain made it almost impossible to hear anything out there, and equally hard to see. Lights would make them to easy a target and a fire was now out of the question. Carolynn sent Nathan back to look in on Jed and the children and they ran a cord from the bivvy to the tent for Jed to pull if need be, as shouting would be next to useless.

“All’s well !” he informed him on his return, the children liked the rain and weren’t afraid of the storm, Jed gave them the furs and they are Yeti’s now or something.
“Well you might as well get and hour or so Nate, doubt we’ll see much till this lets off a fair bit, I’ll wake you when it does !”
“Fair enough, no point us both being tired.” with which he pulled his cape tight up around his shoulders, rested his head on his pack and closed his eyes, then within moments he was out for the count.

“Not long since I was doing this last.” Thought Carolynn, recalling the passage in the High Valley, metallic beetles, the incessant rain and a slumbering Jed that time. It had been a dark just like this, the rain coming down in sheet’s, soaking everything, flashes of intense blue light and the booming in the peaks as though a great battle was being fought high-up in the cloud shrouded summits ! He looked out on each flash hoping something would be given away by the electric strobe of the lightening, but pt was to no avail ! One thing was certain, they would be here for the duration and whatever was out there would be only too aware of that too and for now, it seemed as though it suited it’s purpose to wait, he hoped !
It felt good to be dry in the wet, the rain now beat a hard rhythm on the tarp, his spine shivered and he could feel something else, out there, in the dark. It felt heavy, but not “wrong” or bad. Lightning flashed again, and suddenly there was someone, something standing at his side.
“Nate !“, he swung the shotgun, and pulled up sharp, for it was now sitting next to him, legs crossed and holding his stare. Nathan had not moved, as though he’d never spoken out, he… “

“Carolyn isn’t it ?“
He was still pointing the shotgun, but felt no urge to fire and the air held the ozone chemical freshness of rain, that unmistakeable smell that followed a storm, and as he sat opposite a figure in the rain he had never met, he felt he had known them, “For, for..”
“Ever ? Not quite, but a long time yes. I will tell you more later but for now hear this. “You“, with which the figure reached out with it‘s arm gesturing the canvas too, “All of you are being hunted by those called forth by the Baron‘s. There are two of his servants and they come !”

Carolynn blinked splashed rain from his eyes, and reached out to wake Nathan, for there was that smell… With a ripping slash, the side of the canvas was torn open and the pouring rain drove in.
“Nathan !” he yelled and at the same time catching sight of a vague outline off to his right, Carolynn fired. The object staggered, then rose and came on again, blending in and out of focus in the sheets of rain. He stepped back, cycled the next round to check it was HEAP and fired again. This time the top of the form burst apart, stinking, vile fluids and rotten tissue splattering the two of them, as Nathan had just reached his side.
Then a second figured barrelled out of the dark, clawed arms flailing and caught Nathan off guard, sending him staggering back, blood spreading across his cape from some unseen wound. Carolynn spun and swung with the “assassin’s sword” he had hidden about him for Grey. It bit briefly, the mono-filament blade opening up the apparition from mid back to neck, staggering it’s momentum and causing it to turn to face its tormenter.
As he recognised the face he felt his knee’s weaken, for it was one of the Baron’s Daemons. Although it had staggered under his first onslaught it was not deterred and swung a hideously malformed and long clawed arm at him, which he instinctively raised his sword to block. As the Daemons clawed paw struck the blade it was severed cleanly from its host, but the monofilament did nothing to impede the momentum and it smashed into his midriff, knocking him clean off his feet, showering him in filth and sending him sprawling in the mud and rain

Dragged from cover by the shots and seeing both his friends prone and some distance from their foe, Jed fired on semi-automatic, the first slug stopping the Daemon cold, the next HEAP round almost vaporising it where it stood in a fountain of vitriol and lumps of rotten flesh..
Shouldering the shotgun, he grabbed the prone Nathan, seeing Carolynn already trying to regain his feet, and part carried, part dragged him over to the shack and under the canvass with Joseph’s help. He tore back his cape and his shirt till he could see the wound, an ugly ragged cut across Nathan’s sternum and collar bone that was bleeding profusely.
“Grab the first aid kit from… thanks, Mariah ?” The young girl handed him the box, and he unwound a bandage and a gauze pad, first shaking anti-septic powder over the wound before pressing the pad down hard to stem the bleeding.
“Let me,” it was Joseph again, “I must press hard and keep pressing yes ? I have had to do this for my Dad, twice. How do you think my sister knew to go for the 1st Aid kit, being in charge of a pub and drunk men was part of the job Dad says.”
“Well you hold on tight, I’ll see if Carolynn’s OK, won’t be long I promise.”

Jed found Carolynn checking the 1st corpse, making sure that even in it’s ruined state, the thing presented no further risk
“What in Kell’s name is that, I, euuc, euuc, eruuuch” and with that Jed lost his diner at the sight of the Daemon’s pulverised remains and the stench, cloying and foul even when diluted by the persistent rain
“How’s Nate ?”
“Euu, s, s.ssorry bout that” Jed spat, “Sorry. He’s cut quite bad, Joseph’s got a pad clamped on the wound.”
“Joseph ?”
“Calm down, he’s fine. Those two kid’s were great, reckon they’ve seen more trauma than me ! They know exactly what was going on. Anyway, I need you to see him and I’ll hold out here for the time being, see if I can’t get the bivvy back up.” Jed finished, looking at the collapsed canvas.
“I’ll take that, thanks’ Joseph.” said Carolynn, taking the pad from over Nathan’s wound and taking a quick peak at the wound beneath. It was not as deep as he’d feared, but was jagged and the skin around it looked red and swollen. It did not look good.

Whilst Jed stood guard, Carolynn made good the Canvass, reassuring Joseph and M , both of whom he kept away from the nightmarish forms of the Daemon’s that had attacked them, by involving them in the re-building and caring for the rapidly deteriorating Nathan, who had now developed a high fever and was wracked by delirious , sweat drenched dreams. Soon they had managed to re-rig the canvas to keep out the continuous deluge of rain, and in the half of the shack that retained it’s roof and a hearth, Carolynn put pay to caution and had banked up a hot fire, so as to generate as little smoke as possible, to at least dry a few things with which Nathan could be made more comfortable. Having made good their shelter, Carolynn managed to get Joseph and M to rest for a while, giving him time to get a better look at Nathans wound.
The skin around the cut was puffy and had begun to turn an unhealthy greenish grey, with early signs of necrotic tissue on the ragged edges where the Daemon‘s claw had ripped the skin. And then there was the smell, it reminded him of that dark down in the bowel’s of the smelting hall and the ceremony too the Dark Gods ! They needed to get Nathan to an Apothecary, and fast, but the incessant drumming on the canvas and occasional distant rumble said that wasn’t happening anytime soon 

 End of Part 6
Mk Emoji

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