Monday, 12 May 2014

7th edition woes

With 7th edition on its way, and whilst also undergoing primarch rules testing which is now complete and will be posted soon, we are taking a brief hiatus from the campaign. It will continue when 7th rolls around and we are all used to its rules. Many of you will also notice Mark has taken an indefinite Hiatus to gaming, as you have noticed. Reasons for this are unknown, but we hope he joins us again soon. Until then he continues to write fluff for our campaign whenever able. But to celebrate our campaign and the new edition, a the campaign will finally exit the eye of terror... but everyone will be changed....

A Tau expeditionary force into the eye of terror came out corrupted by the whispers of chaos. The combined arms of the Tau and Chaos forces have lead them to be a true fear in the warp. But now, as a warp gate opens, they make there move....

The dragon-kin have come through the warp changed. There mutations had developed to a worrying degree, and in there darkest time when they were about to forsake the emperor for the quick release of death, vulkan came to them. Whilst any other chapter would see him as a psychic projection of tremendous magnitude, the dragon-kin see him as there salvation. It is unknown what created the representation, whether the machinations of chaos or the emperors will, but what is known is there veneration of the emperor is back with holy vigour, with the giant man at the forefront of every battle.

A shadow in the warp was alerted by a sudden tear in the fabric of reality.... curious, the shadow hurries towards the warp gate, like a moth drawn to a flame... and a mysterious world looking strangely familiar....

Chris and Dave:
After the fateful events on Zalthar, the Terra Templars refused to follow into the eye of terror, and instead followed with Lord Rex. Along the way they picked up a contingent of Raven Guard under shadow captain Shrike, waiting for the moment they get to strike out against the powers of chaos....

Whilst the PDF, now drafted into Lord Rexs' retinue, prepare for war against the forces that erupt from the warp gate, another force of evil lies in wait, out of sight....

The next stage of the campaign will deal with this new planet. What is it? Who is on there? And why is it strangely familiar?
I have prepared LOTS of awesome stuff for this. I also have a few plans:

1) Population Control.
This planet has a population... however it will not be loyal to the emperor we know, or to chaos. But there will be ways and options to sway populations and gain them in battles. This will be represented by a squad of acolytes for players.

2) City Control.
You will be able to control cities and towns. This will result in bonuses to players.

3) New phases.
To do a game it will be less of me saying "you vs you". Instead there will be a planning phase. At the start each player will have a landing point on this planet. It will have stats etc BUT wont be able to be destroyed. A landing point will have rules like this:

Each of this will have something next to it, representing special rules. You will get a stat sheet like this on every province you try to destroy, gain or take over.

4) Influence.
Influence is gained when you take over a populated area. Population will have 1 of 3 viewpoints:
Reluctant people can not be gained by simply taking over, only by fighting someone else for the land. The fear of two armies clashing makes them fight for the winning side. Aggressive will fight for whoever takes up the land in either a battle or simply taking over. Defensive can only be taken over by people who take over the land, seeing two armies fight is likely to have them somewhere in the thick of it being killed themselves.
After a set amount of infuence is gained it grants you access to acolyte squads.

5) Followers battles
When you reach a certain amount of influence, you can send your followers to battle for you. This will be done using the game Dystopian Wars. A standard match of just 500pts will cover most battles. With the apoc idea of 1000pts being available too.

6) Limited Resources
You will start the game with 2000pts. When you take over a land, your 2000pts is moved there etc. You can opt to place any of your force in previous places of land you have taken over. For example, if a player has 4 pieces of land owned, he can place 200pts of his army in one piece of land, another 200pts in another piece of land, and 800pts in each of the other two pieces of land. This results in a lot of smaller scale battles, to try help the newer members. It also means NO FORCE ORG CHART bellow 500pts.

As stated, WIP. Will be completed in time for 7th.... keep reading ;)

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