Campaign 1, Planet 1.
Planet Name: Zalthar
Designation: Lorelei mining planet
Population: 8 Billion
Atmosphere: Stable
Planet Capital: Hive City Astromus
Theatre 1:
The armies have come together to claim an Imperial Lorelei mining planet that has recently lost the majority of its defenses to a severe attack by a tyranid splinter fleet. The system is in total dissarray, and the vital planet now seems to be easy pickings for many forces that find the rare and valuable Lorelei too good an oppertunity to give up. Meanwhile, the planetary defense force calls for aid and the space marines of the Dragon Kin respond, but there mutations are a step too far for the devout PDF who immediately see them as enemies. The Dragon Kin reluctantly fight the PDF but only out of self defense.
The first engagement will be on the great desert plains dominating most of the planet. Ocassional "glass storms", a mix of plasma from the nearby sun penetrating the planets thin atmosphere mixing with sandstorms to create razor sharp shards of glass, sent hurtling around the planet in great storms, sporadically dominate the battlefield.
Battle 1: Apoc
All vs All.
3k per person.
Special Rules:
Lorelei crystals:
A few of these great crystals sprout from the desert. If a model (or in the case of a unit choose one model in the unit closest to the crystal), is within 6" to the crystal, the following effects occur:
If the model has the psyker special rule, one psychic power or force weapon can be used at no warp charge this turn.
If the model does not have the psyker special rule, it gains the psyker special rule and the following power which MUCH be used every turn they are under the crystals effects.
Warp Surge Warp charge 1:
Roll a dice. On a 1,2 or 3, the psyker inflicts d6, Sd6, APd6 hits on itself (or unit if with a unit). On a 4, 5 or 6, the psyker inflicts d6, Sd6, APd6 hits on the nearest enemy unit needing no line of sight.
Glass Storms:
At the beginning of each turn roll a dice. On the roll of a 1 then a glass storm occurs this turn. All flyers currently on the table MUST take a disengage move this turn.
Roll on the chart to see the effects for this turn:
1: A gentle storm. Every model gains the stealth special rule.
2: Glass rain. Roll a dice for every unit, independant character or monstrous creature. On a roll of a 6 they take d3 S2 hits.
3: Sand Wall. All weapons must reduce weapon range by 6".
4: Heavy storm. Every model gains the shrouded special rule.
5: Boiling sands. Everyone counts as walking through dangerous terrain this turn.
6: Monofilament shards. Every unit, independant character and mosntrous creature on the board suffers 2d6 S3 ap2 hits.
Prepare for war!
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