Well it has been an eventful start to the campaign and people seem to be enjoying it! We have delt now with the opening skirmishes between the two armies as they flash on the fields of battle. Now they are mostly aware that the planet is hotly contested, secrets are being revealed and blood has been shed. Now we move to theater 2. People have set up forward command posts and made planetfall with a good amount of there forces, and a new army is about to rise from beneath the sands. Now begins the true war. But with setting up in the deserts brings a new area to fight in. We move from the arid deserts where the armies now hide, to the small settlements and farming areas. Here, complex machines prevent the glass storms from occurring. But the planets natives are natural scavengers, and this planet has been occupied since the great crusade, and every so often an unusual piece of technology finds itself in the hands of a local.... So here go the rules for the next theater:
Each game (unless otherwise specified) must contain at least 3 buildings or ruins.
The complex machines that stop the glass-storms work by creating a dome of gravity fluctuating energy that envelops the town, giving the slight effect of lessening the weight of objects, its effects more profound on heavier objects. When a model runs, it may roll 2d6 and choose the highest. All vehicles count any terrain as impassable. The weight decrease causes them to have much less ramming power to get through usual terrain.
Mysterious Objects:
At the beginning of every game, roll a dice on the following table to see what happens (yes im converting every single one):
1: Heresy Era Datapad. Full of the tactical data of the then loyalist luna wolves, a wealthy tome of the best tactics ever employed in galactic history. A single model is placed next to one of the settlements/ruins. He has toughness 3 and 1 wound. If a player spends one turn in base contact with the model and has not moved, shot, ran or been in close combat, he can take the datapad and gains +1 VP.
2) Archeotech Pistol. An ancient weapon favored by the praetors during the horus heresy. Every time a player had a model outside a settlement and is not fighting in combat, he may attempt to rummage the house for the pistol. On a 6 he finds it. If all but one house has been searched, that house automatically houses the pistol. Its profile is: Range 12", S6, AP3, Master crafted. It an only be used for this battle, nobody has the technical know-how to keep it working.
3) Eldar Artifact. Nobody but the eldar knows what this strange device does, but getting too close to it may not be wise. The eldar artifact is placed in the center of the board. If any player moves within 18" they suffer d6, S6, AP2 hits.
4) Giant Lorelei Crystal: A giant lorelei crystal has been moved to the center of the village, possibly for decoration or religious ritual. However it is pulsing an unusual green glow, and the smoking carcasses of dead villagers surround it. If any model enters within 18" of the crystal, they are struck by a S9, AP3 large blast.
5) Archeotech Generator: An unusual contraption used during the great crusade, roll on the following table to see what it does:
1: nothing
2: whilst within 6" of it, all weapons are twin linked
3: whilst within 6" of it, all models gain a 5+ invun
4: Whoever controls the device may force night fighting for one turn in the game
5: Count this result as: The Apocalypse Weapon result
6: You have found a weapon used and discarded by a primarch. You gain +1 VP.
6) The Apocalypse Weapon: Upon entering the settlement you activate a long forgotten trap, but nobody knows for who.... A lone cryogenic tube raises from the sands, and inside is a villager surrounded by lorelei crystals. As the doors swing open, it is revealed to be a dreaded Alpha+ Psyker.
The psyker has T3, W3 and a 2+ re-rollable invulnerable save. Each player turn, in the shooting phase, it will attack the nearest d3 units. It will unleash the following:
Range: infinite SD, AP1, 10" Blast.
If the game reaches turn 5 and the psyker is not dead. Neither player an get higher than a draw unless they are fully wiped out, and do not treat each other as an enemy as they strive to kill the out of control psyker as intense psychic winds buffet them. The game will also automatically roll to turn 6 if the psyker is not dead. But not only this, the psykers attacks change to:
d6 units per turn. Range: infinite SD, AP1, Apocalyptic barrage 5.
(Designers note: Yes this seems insanely powerful, and that both sides will likely not survive to turn 5 with this thing attacking everybody, but do some reading on an alpha+ psyker, this thing is just warming up to destroy the planet)
Enjoy, things are getting VERY nasty now :P
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