Saturday, 29 March 2014

Theater 2 chapter 3

In their haste to extract vast fortunes from Zalthar’s rich Mineral Wealth, Imperial Surveyors cut more than a few corners with their Survey of the Planet. Two of these were about to come home to roost.

The first, was to gloss over the history of Zalthar that included the Eldar, for this Ancient Race had long known the true worth of Lorelei Crystal’s, and that meant more than just their value in Rad Bonds*

*The Local Space Sector currency and the most stable form of plastic-money on Zalthar and its neighbouring Planets. The Zaltharian Credit, Zalthar’s “Official Currency” is practically worthless due to the effects of numerous Wars on the economy.

The Eldar knew much about the Crystal’s Psy - amplification and dampening effects, properties known to very few, save 
Lord Inquisitor Samuel and a handful of Astro-Mineralogists’, and even Lord Samuel understands but a fraction of the what the Eldar knew an it is possible that much of this is lost now even to them. For the Eldar, the power of such Crystals made them a great prize, a prize with a power only the most worthy Seer’s were permitted to wield. It was also a power they were fearful others would abase, and so erected a secret Webwayportal to Zalthar, invested with a great and terrible power that saw the death of one of the Seer’s in it’s Enchantment. With the fall of the Eldar, much of their magic’s were undone, though some, such as the Webwayportal to Zalthar retain vestiges of their former powerful enchantment.

Had the surveyors done their work properly, the Portal would have been reported to the InquisitionsOrdo Xenos, who, though they did not fully understand the Webway, knew enough to have the thing dismantled.

As it was, it was probably the faint aura of the world beyond this place, where the barrier between the “materium” or real-space and the “imaterium” or the Warp was at it’s thinnest, that caught Lord Inquisitor Hector-Rex’s attention in the first place, for though he could be an arrogant fool, he was an exceptionally gifted one. And because the Portal remained, the barrier between the materium and the imaterium was kept taught and dangerously thin. Therefore, all it took was a slight nudge, such as the arrival of Lord Inquisitor Hector-Rex on Zalthar, which had an effect in the Daemon realm of the Warp, akin to blood in the water on Sharks, and so the strongest and fastest broke through to claim their due of Souls. That was of course, simply not going to happen if Lord Inquisitor Hector-Rex had any say in the matter.

So thus, due a Surveyors “oversight”, Battle-Lines were drawn, lines that only Blood was going to wash away.
The second was also an oversight by the Surveyors, of something that didn’t financially fit ! For quite early on, it was established that there were two distinct “Types” of Crystal on Zalthar, Lorelei Crystal’s and a quote:

“…. a Crystal of unknown type and or origin. Samples indicate the Crystal to be an inert type found on those Worlds listed in Appendix 4 of the Geological and Mineralogical Survey.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Crystals, inert type, cost of extraction from Crystal,
Lorelei type, estimate 4.7% of gross profit margin, disposal. 1.3%. Total cost incurred, 6% of gross profit.


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


For some reason, no - one wanted that part reaching the official draft of the Mining Tender Documents, the Imperium clearly keen that a 3rd Party picked up those bills. So, not wishing to tempt fate, Imperial Agents ensured that ALL further Mineralogical studies of these “other” crystals be dropped, all except one. For there was one Mineralogist, a Professor Norman, who had the ear of someone with the Political muscle to afford him an exemption, provided the work remained Classified, This work revealed several properties of these Crystals that Professor Norman suggested gave cause for further evaluation. Two of these were the apparent Resilience to Weight ratio may have some value in terms of structural fabrication and second that they conducted electricity with no discernable resistance, making them very cheap super-conductor material. Unfortunately, when conducting “Field-Tests in one of Zalthar’s more remote Crystal Field’s, there is presumed to have been some type of “Accident” as neither the Professor Norman, nor seven of his field-crew were ever seen or heard of again. Only one poor wretch survived, and all he could manage to do was mutter things about the “Tin-Man” and a “Green or Emerald City”, being otherwise so thoroughly traumatised that he was sent back to Terra for further evaluation and treatment !

Our tale darkens considerably however, for in attempting to throw off their pursuers, after their defeat at the fanatical hands of Lord Inquisitor Hector-Rex, the surviving Dragon-kin sought a route through these same, remote 
Lorelei Crystal Field’s !

And so the stage was set for yet another high-noon on Zalthar, thanks to an another impressive Imperial disinformation exercise, proof positive if you’d live long enough to testify, that everything in the Empire has a price !

Theater 2, chapter 2

History Lessons
Samuel had left the Crystal-Chamber Complex, he needed to put some distance between him and the events of the last few cycles. As planned, they had transferred his HQ and the PDF’s Centre of Operations’ to the Moon-House of the Edge of Zalthar’s Great Western Desert.

The Moon-House was once an Imperial Strong-point, garrisoned by a Marine contingent entrusted with preventing Crystal-smuggling in the early days of Zalthar’s rise as a Mining Colony. It was well equipped, with Barracks for 500 + Troops, it even had its own Medical Bay with Surgical Facilities and a state-of-the-Art Communications Suite. There were re-stocked stores of food, a natural well and a fully stocked Ammunition Magazine and Armoury . Due to its difficult positioning, it was common for access by air, so there was hangar space for up to 8 fliers, though still sufficient garaging for 10 Landraider sized vehicles and 1 Hangar purpose built for a Knight Titan, its re-supply and repair. However, 2 Knights could be accommodated by folding in 2 Hangar spaces to make the additional room. That certainly pleased Dean, who hated having to leave the planet, every time Lux-Aeterna got a dent. He liked the solidity of his ward surrounding him on solid ground, not being out of control rolling around in the void.

The only change Samuel had insisted upon, was that two of the old holding cells be knocked through into one, incorporating the access corridors and space above to fashion a grand, 2 storey Library. Finally a home for his books, and a place to think, which he needed more than ever now, now that the Crystal-Chamber was full of such pain and sadness.

Lord Inquisitor Hector-Rex, in his typical arrogant style, refused even the State-Apartments at the Moon-House, designed for visiting Imperial Dignitaries to Zalthar, preferring to remain aboard his Emperor Class Battleship in high orbit, as if the planets mere presence should somehow infect him. Samuel did not take to the wasteful Luxury of the apartments, so had them made into four separate rooms, one for Dean, one for his Head Assistant and a powerful Psyker Castiel, one for CaptainBarceló of the PDF and head of his Security Detail, and the last one for himself. Last, but by no-means the least complex to accommodate, was Crowley, the Daemonhost. Fortunately, as a Fortress designed to combat Criminal Gangs, the Moon-House had several isolation cells, at least two of which were also Psy-Shielded, as a number of the Gangs employed Psyker’s to help with their subterfuge, avoid detection and make interrogation extremely difficult. So it was to one of these that Samuel consigned Crowley, preferring to have him close, for as the saying goes, keep your friends close, your enemies closer ! 

The Moon-House also had a long and distinguished past even before the Tech Marines of the Legio Astarte’s had bull-dozed the site flat for their Fortress. For before then, it had been a Temple to F’Sal, the Moon Goddess, the celestial counterpart to Kell, Earth Goddess to the Herders. Even the nearby Desert had a history from these times, a history that grew from the Last Great Battle in Zalthar’s Unification Wars. And that, is a story all of its own.

The Last Great Battle of Zalthar.

The last Battle in Zalthar's Unification Wars, was fought between the Herders and the "Followers of the Four", for like on other Worlds, such as Davin, there was a darkness in the hearts of some of the people of Zalthar long before it became more widely known as "Chaos”!

As there was officially an Imperial Arms Embargo on Zalthar, due to it not yet having been bought into full "Compliance", for early in the later days of the crusade, resources were in short supply and much needed elsewhere. Then came the Heresy, and that threw out all plans ! It was therefore decided to let Zalthar's Wars run their course with as little Imperial intervention as possible. It suited their purpose for the planets population to police itself, as that would just leave Imperial forces the task of cleaning-up after the dust settles. It was clearly in the Empires best interests that the Herders be victorious, for although Chaos was not recognised for what it was back then, evil was still evil, and they wanted the “good-guy’s“ to win ! Failing that, they had Plan B, which was either low yield Neutron Bombs or Virus Bombs, to strip Zalthar of life whilst leaving the Infrastructure and Mineral Deposits intact to “start again” !

As with any War that seeks to pit Father against Son, Mother against Daughter, Husband against Wife, it was savage and bloody, and during its last terrible cycles, a great many of Sons of Zalthar perished. In this last Great Battle, so many died that some say the very Planet itself sought to blot out its memory. What was once a wide and green river valley was hence forth claimed by the sand, and became the Great Western Desert.

The War had been raging for almost 50 cycles, when, after several defeats, the War weary Herder’s Army sought to move South of the Fel River, near the Town of Felton, now Hope Hive City, for the Winter, which signalled the end of hostilities for the Circle. Out manoeuvred by the army of the Followers of the Four, they were caught at the River Corathos, a tributary of the Fel, where it ran through a wide Valley to the North. With their backs to the River, they had no option but to stand and fight.

The weaponry of the times were fairly low tech, considering the weaponry available on today’s Zalthar. Fire arms were in extremely short supply, came in the form of Lasguns that were of limited use, due to their heavy energy requirements necessitating large back-pack batteries, and there were a few ballistic weapons, much like those available in the 1st and 2nd Great Terran Wars before the Long Night. There were also a few Heavy Bolters and the occasional Lascannon, taken from scrapped star-ships the later, mounted on wheeled carriages as with their power-supply batteries, they were tremendously heavy ! There were close combat weapons of every description, from agricultural implements to the occasional chain weapon that had somehow slipped by the Embargo.

Many of the Herders preferred the Zaltharian Spike, a pole weapon of about 14 foot, with a narrow-bladed head, with a sharp “side-spur” used by them to herd the Morac mainly during the Rut, when the large Bull Morac were at their most temperamental and dangerous. In the worst case scenario, the narrow blade could be used to stop a Bull Morac in its tracks. As a weapon of War, men armed with theses weapons fought on blocks of between 400 - 600, like the Pikemen of early Terran Wars.

Both sides had limited contingents of Cavalry, riding a wide assortment of horses, bought from Terra and other Imperial Colonies as a stock animal and one of the easiest ways to navigate the Great Ice Grass Plains. Most were armed with long-spears and swords, trained to fight at the charge.

The Followers of the Four formed-up along the Northern ridge, facing the Herders in front of the River Corathos, swollen with melt-water from the Worldspine Mountains. The Herders deployed with their cavalry companies to their flanks, five large blocks of Zaltharian Spike-armed Infantry in the centre, interspersed with their limited fire-arm Troops.

The Followers of the Four arranged their forces in a similar fashion, but with their considerable artillery train on a higher ridge towards the Eastern end of their line and immediately began to fire punishing Lascannon bursts into the Herders Centre ! General Navarro of the Herders was ready for this was not the first time the Followers had employed this tactic, so he marshalled forward a skirmish screen of fire armed Infantry in loose order, followed by a general advance, supported by a contingent of Cavalry with what amounted to his Horse Artillery, Thirteen Heavy Bolters, mounted on wheeled Carriages. These he was able to get within range of the Followers Heavier Lascannon’s, which he dispatched in short-order, raking the Train with the heavy calibre rounds that tore-up men and machinery alike, before withdrawing to the relative safety between his advancing Spike-armed Infantry.

The Followers of the Four then let loose their Eastern contingent of Cavalry, but opposite them, General Navarro had a company of mounted pistolers, armed with a variety of pistols and a mace, trained to fight in the “Caracole” style, a wheel in front of the enemy to present a wall-of-fire designed to break the charge of the enemy. And break the charge they did, causing horrendous losses and scattering what was left. At the same time, the Followers also released their Infantry, that pushed home the advantage of numbers and the slope, weathering the fire from Navarro’s fire-arms and smashing headlong into his Spike-armed Infantry. The carnage was horrendous, the front ranks of both sides falling almost instantly as they locked into a push of arms. Here though, General Navarro had learnt from previous bitter experience, that a push of Arms was not something his smaller force could win un-aided against the fanaticism of the Followers Infantry, and so ordered his Eastern wing of Cavalry to charge the remaining Followers Cavalry, giving his Pistolers a clear field and free reign to attack the Followers locked Infantry in the flank.

Hit by Cavalry in their exposed and unsupported flank, saw the Infantry waver, time for Navarro’s next move. In through the infantry push, he filtered lightly armed troops with short stabbing weapons that could easily get in amongst the press of Spikes and Long Spears and create havoc in the Followers front Ranks. Hit by these troops as well, against which they could not easily defend, the waver became a wobble, the wobble a rout . The Followers centre collapsed, with many cut down by the Pistolers as they tried to flee. The battle was all but over, the last obstacle being the remaining Follower Cavalry that had decimated Navarro’s Eastern Wing of horsemen, understandably as the charge had been a tactical gamble, his Cavalry being outnumbered 3 to 1. Navarro re-formed his pistolers, and in one last clash of men and horses, the battle fell to the Herders. But it was a Pyrrhic victory, their losses had been appalling. Neither side had sufficient man-power left to form another credible army, and two Cycles later, the Followers of the Four disbanded and soon became a heretical organisation, who’s membership was certain to bring imprisonment at best.

The Empire had their good-guy in General Navarro, and “Compliance” would swiftly follow after the Traitor Legions had lost the Battle for the Emperors Palace. Finance was in short supply, making Mining Colonies like Zalthar suddenly seem very interesting propositions. The Day of the Corporations’ had come, and it was to do more damage than any War, and the climate, over time did change, and the Desert did reclaim the valley of the River Corathos, and its dead.

Theater 2 chapter 1

Village Life

A darkness so unnaturally deep it seems to pull in any light that tries to seep from the window edges and under the doors of the sleepy village in the valley below. All is quiet, peaceful. But gradually shapes peel themselves from the blackness, bulky shapes that have no right to move so stealthily.
“Safeties off, 2nd Squad to the defilade by that track to the East, 3rd Squad a ring to the North West, don’t want anyone making those trees ! First, on me.
T-5 and counting, and use the knives first, no shooting until or unless imperative. Understood ?”
“2nd A OK !”
“3rd, ditto “
The shapes fan out, their blackened steel blades as satin in the blackness. Armour servo’s are re-dampened as they move further within the artificial Grav Field, their joints smoothed to perfection with an entire half-cycles duty spent buffing them with lapping powder. Those helmet less have their faces smeared with camolene to blend with the dark, only the whites of their eyes seemingly peer out of nothingness.
“T-4 !”
They spread out further, a gun line to the North West and a fire trap to the East where a solitary track leaves the village. All freeze, as the heavy clouds briefly skirt the blood-moon before the blackness floods back. Eyes blink open, night vision retained at 100%, the 1st Squad creep ever closer,
“T-3 and..”
There is a metallic click, and all eyes look at Doran, 1st Squad’s rookie and so probable cause. The others know one another and their grisly trade to well to be the source of the sound.
“Doran, shut the F%$k-up !”, Sergeant Karman hisses through his vox”
“Not me Sergeant”, Doran hisses back.

Suddenly, a single Cylinder rises from the earth some 20 meters in front of them and they are bathed in a sickly Green light.
“Fire pattern 02-Delta“, cries Karman, at which half of 1st bring their Bolters to bear on the Cylinder in a fury of mass-reactive rounds that should have torn the thing to shreds. But none of then hit, they appeared to detonate whilst still 4 or 5 foot short of their intended target, seemingly bursting in mid air ?
All around, every House is plunged into darkness and heavy Ceramite Security Shutters drop into place on more affluent properties.
“Sergeant”, calls Harman, the Company Communications Operative, “Just intercepted a call to the PDF, jammed it so no worries.”
“A-1, now switch to hi-ex mags, re-call 02-Delta, call 07- Alpha from prone.”
The whole of 1st Squad drop to the ground as one, slamming fresh magazines into their Bolters, before all members now target the Cylinder with storm of high-explosive Bolts.
For a brief moment the smoke and exploding rounds completely obscure the Cylinder from view, but when they disperse, the improbable is their reality, the Cylinder still stands with not so much as a scratch.
“Cease fire, 2nd give me the Las, 3 bursts, on full.”
No sooner said than a beam of green light pierces the darkness and contacts the Cylinder. The greens meld, the Cylinder briefly glows more vividly, then, nothing, nor for the 2nd or 3rd shots,
“What the hell is that thing, we didn’t bring “Betty” did we ?”
“No Sergeant. “ Voxes Lorimar, 1st Squads Heavy Weapons Specialist, “WE didn’t expect any Armour, so no need for the Melta, we agreed it would just be a hindrance, we….”
“Alright Lorimar I know, I was there right !”
“Yes Sergeant, sorry Sergeant, but I did take the liberty of bringing this,” at which Lorimar tossed Sergeant Karman a Melta-Bomb,
“Sweet, I’ll remember that initiative Lorimar, right, suppressing fire on me, then heads down,” And with that, Sergeant Karman was on his feet, zigzagging forwards before dropping behind a low stone wall as he flipped the arming leaver and sent the Melta-Bomb spiralling off on a graceful arc towards the Cylinder.
“Fire in the Hold”, he yelled, before pressing himself flat against the wall and covering his face and eyes with his arms.

There was a dull thump, followed by what felt like a great inhalation of air. Then there was the flash, like the birth of a sun, so bright, Sergeant Karman swore he could see it through his armoured arms and the stones of the wall. This was then followed by a keening noise like the Hydraulic hiss of a hundred Landraider Assault Ramps deploying, accompanied by a wave of heat, so intense it set light to any combustible material within a 15 foot radius, scorching and melting all that did not burn.
“Try that on for si…” the words failed in Karman’s throat as he saw the cylinder, steaming, but otherwise seemingly un-marked.
“This is beyond funny, no reports of extra-tech in this shite-hole berg was there Harman ?”
“No Sergeant, just a few side-arms, possibly one or two reasonable hunting Rifles, is all.”
“Then what in the Emperors’ name is that thing that’s screwed up my mission ? Tell you one thing, I’ll make damn sure we get paid in full, not counting this as a failure, I’ll make damn sure we ….”

A noise from the Cylinder cut him dead, All eyes swivelled, as a door in the side opened.
“My turn now Gentlemen I believe,” rasped a strange hollow voice as a figure stepped out into the Green-glow.
“Fire pattern 00-Alp….aargh”, Sergeant Karman clutched his head as an inscrutiating Pain ripped though his skull whilst all around him, his consciousness’ straining, he watched 1st Squad drop like scythed wheat.
“What do you waaa..”
“Want, what do I WANT ? You, who would sneak into MY village, like a thief, to STEAL the lives of MY people as they SLEPT ? What, pray, do you think I’d WANT ?”
Sergeant Karman, or what was left of the man they remembered, walked into the Town of Faith some four days later. Pale and drawn, he had visibly aged and grey hairs now covered his head. He had no knowledge of what had happened, nor who he was. No longer a mercenary, just one of Zalthar’s hundreds of down and outs. 

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Next battle rules

Game 1 of Theater 2.
Oli vs Connor
The arrival of Hector Rex means only one thing. Massive daemonic incursion. Almost in retaliation for him stepping on the planet, the daemons burst through the warp gate. Lord Rex stood firm before them, and a massive war began.
Points: 1500pts
Objectives: Victory Points
Connor: He has no force org chart. He may take whatever he wants.

Luke vs Peter
In there escape from Rex, the Dragon Kin escaped through the lorelei crystal fields. However soon they begin to realize they are not what they seemed.
Objectives: If Luke gets his HQ and at least 1x troops choice off the other side of the board he wins. If he only gets his HQ or at least 1x troops choice off the other side off the board its a draw. Anything else is a loss.
Points: 1500pts Luke, 0pts Peter.
Special Rules:
Necron Crystals: There are 15 of these dotted around the board. Each has armour 11 all around and 2HP. Each has a shooting attack with the following profile:
24" Heavy 4, S8, ap4, Tesla

Terra Templars
The Terra Templars may be included in any game they choose. They arrive using the outflank special rule. They have the following special abilities:
Chapter Tactics Terra Templars:
Genetic Purity: for 30pts , any squad may upgrade there sergeant to a gene-seed purifyer. He counts as a veteran sergeant with WS5, a narthecium and gives the unit the rage special rule.
Purge the unpious! Each sergeant counts as being armed with a hand flamer.

Captain Krieg of the 1st company 190pts
WS6, BS5, S5, T4, W3, I4, A3, Ld10, Sv2+
Wargear: Terminator armour, thunder hammer, storm shield, iron halo.
Special Rules: And they shall know no fear, chapter tactics: terra templars, independant character.
Warlord trait: Titan Slayer. Krieg gains d3 victory points if he destroys a super heavy or lords of war choice in a game.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Theater 2

Well it has been an eventful start to the campaign and people seem to be enjoying it! We have delt now with the opening skirmishes between the two armies as they flash on the fields of battle. Now they are mostly aware that the planet is hotly contested, secrets are being revealed and blood has been shed. Now we move to theater 2. People have set up forward command posts and made planetfall with a good amount of there forces, and a new army is about to rise from beneath the sands. Now begins the true war. But with setting up in the deserts brings a new area to fight in. We move from the arid deserts where the armies now hide, to the small settlements and farming areas. Here, complex machines prevent the glass storms from occurring. But the planets natives are natural scavengers, and this planet has been occupied since the great crusade, and every so often an unusual piece of technology finds itself in the hands of a local.... So here go the rules for the next theater:

Each game (unless otherwise specified) must contain at least 3 buildings or ruins.

The complex machines that stop the glass-storms work by creating a dome of gravity fluctuating energy that envelops the town, giving the slight effect of lessening the weight of objects, its effects more profound on heavier objects. When a model runs, it may roll 2d6 and choose the highest. All vehicles count any terrain as impassable. The weight decrease causes them to have much less ramming power to get through usual terrain.

Mysterious Objects:
At the beginning of every game, roll a dice on the following table to see what happens (yes im converting every single one):
1: Heresy Era Datapad. Full of the tactical data of the then loyalist luna wolves, a wealthy tome of the best tactics ever employed in galactic history. A single model is placed next to one of the settlements/ruins. He has toughness 3 and 1 wound. If a player spends one turn in base contact with the model and has not moved, shot, ran or been in close combat, he can take the datapad and gains +1 VP.

2) Archeotech Pistol. An ancient weapon favored by the praetors during the horus heresy. Every time a player had a model outside a settlement and is not fighting in combat, he may attempt to rummage the house for the pistol. On a 6 he finds it. If all but one house has been searched, that house automatically houses the pistol. Its profile is: Range 12", S6, AP3, Master crafted. It an only be used for this battle, nobody has the technical know-how to keep it working.

3) Eldar Artifact. Nobody but the eldar knows what this strange device does, but getting too close to it may not be wise. The eldar artifact is placed in the center of the board. If any player moves within 18" they suffer d6, S6, AP2 hits.

4) Giant Lorelei Crystal: A giant lorelei crystal has been moved to the center of the village, possibly for decoration or religious ritual. However it is pulsing an unusual green glow, and the smoking carcasses of dead villagers surround it. If any model enters within 18" of the crystal, they are struck by a S9, AP3 large blast.

5) Archeotech Generator: An unusual contraption used during the great crusade, roll on the following table to see what it does:
1: nothing
2: whilst within 6" of it, all weapons are twin linked
3: whilst within 6" of it, all models gain a 5+ invun
4: Whoever controls the device may force night fighting for one turn in the game
5: Count this result as: The Apocalypse Weapon result
6: You have found a weapon used and discarded by a primarch. You gain +1 VP.

6) The Apocalypse Weapon: Upon entering the settlement you activate a long forgotten trap, but nobody knows for who.... A lone cryogenic tube raises from the sands, and inside is a villager surrounded by lorelei crystals. As the doors swing open, it is revealed to be a dreaded Alpha+ Psyker.
The psyker has T3, W3 and a 2+ re-rollable invulnerable save. Each player turn, in the shooting phase, it will attack the nearest d3 units. It will unleash the following:
Range: infinite SD, AP1, 10" Blast.
If the game reaches turn 5 and the psyker is not dead. Neither player an get higher than a draw unless they are fully wiped out, and do not treat each other as an enemy as they strive to kill the out of control psyker as intense psychic winds buffet them. The game will also automatically roll to turn 6 if the psyker is not dead. But not only this, the psykers attacks change to:
d6 units per turn. Range: infinite SD, AP1, Apocalyptic barrage 5.
(Designers note: Yes this seems insanely powerful, and that both sides will likely not survive to turn 5 with this thing attacking everybody, but do some reading on an alpha+ psyker, this thing is just warming up to destroy the planet)

Enjoy, things are getting VERY nasty now :P

Chapter 8

Chapter Eight - Samuel’s LamentSamuel loved the quiet of the Crystal Chamber, fashioned to his own design from Eight intact Great Crystals ! For a powerful Psykers such as himself and Megan, the place was bliss. As for the Mount Necros Grand Cycle 100600600, Captain Barceló had excelled himself, though he had an inkling who it was that actually found such a prize. As smooth as the rise of the great Ice Grass Plains, but with the crispness to it, like the air after a Glass Storm, it truly was the soul of Zalthar in a glass. 
His beloved Zalthar, for she had suffered terribly, though if he could do what needed to be done, what he knew he had to do, then that suffering may soon be over. 
So with steady hand, if a heavy heart, he dictated the next scene in the play, an Alpha Clearance Communiqué to Terra, disclosing the finding of a man who should-not-have-been. A man who should have perished in glory with his Loyalist Kin on Istvaan III, not be ingloriously “snuffed-out” on some Galactic back-water, an “Un-known”. Samuel was no fool, he knew there was only one way this would end, only one way it could end, and it was not great and noble, but seedy and necessary. Even theMount Necros Grand Cycle, could not take away his distaste.

A tap at the door grabbed his attention,
“Enter !” 
Captain Barceló Lord, said the Captain as he entered
"My Lord, I have re-called the PDF envoys, cancelled all leave, called-up all reservists and made good the Moon-House in readiness !
Very good Captain, have my transport stand by, and I trust our, the reunion has been stood down ?
Yes mLord.
Very good Captain, now, I want you take command of 7th Company personally, I want you with me at the Moon-House, but first I want you watching my back when I meet with the Envoy from Terra, any word on who ?
Not yet my Lord, but word has it it will be Lord Inquisitor Hector-Rex.
Why Hector do you suppose Captain ?
Because you have . . . . ., History ?. M’Lord ?
And he hopes to have opportunity to repay the favour you suppose Captain ?
Thats not for me to say mLord. 
The Salamanders will be pissed when their man dies, and there is that would be splinter group, those Dragon-Kin. Strange they should appear right now. What say you, you have fought them am I right ?
Yes my mLord,
Well ?
They certainly employ Imperial Tactics mLord, though some of their dead show considerable mutation. But theres been no sign of the Octoid, just some strange Eye symbol.
Unfortunately, the same could be said for the Legion of the Warmaster at the time of his greatest betrayal ! Whats needed is for the Inquisition to..
Excuse me mLord. Barceló here, what gives, . . . . .really, when . . . . . OK, keep me informed, Barceló out !
“Words official m’Lord ! They have just appointed Lord Inquisitor Hector-Rex, and he will be here in 3 cycles my Lord !
My, my, now hes a keen egg.. Wed best be sure we are fully prepared for such an auspicious arrival. Have the casket bought here, he will expect us to greet him at the Crystal Chamber and I have no wish to travel twice.
Very well my Lord.
You are dismissed Captain !
MLord, answered Captain Barceló, before departing with his duties clear.

 So, mused Samuel, how will this play-out ? The stage was beginning to fill, enter stage left, Lord Inquisitor Hector-Rex, an ambitious man for an ambitious job, and this one he would perform admirably ! Under direct Imperial Edict, the Salamander will be pronounced “Audis Imperator”, and summarily executed without being re-awakened. There was a chance however that Lord Inquisitor Hector-Rex would not be satisfied with that, for as Captain Barceló foresaw, they had History. He was an angry man, and a dangerous one for even another Lord Inquisitor, even on of Samuel’s character to have made look even a tiny bit foolish. 

Lord Inquisitor Hector-Rex, may want to look a little more closely at Zalthar's recent past, and if you dug, it would not take a genius to find dirt, not on a Mining Colony ! Especially one so recently subject to a massive Chaos Incursion orchestrated by two of the most feared and powerful Primarchs living ever to serve the Ruinous Powers.
 Then there was the riddle that was the Dragon-Kin. Declared Loyalists, but with no Imperial Sanction, seemingly willing to assist a poorly Defended Imperial Mining Colony, an extremely wealthy Imperial Mining Colony that declined their Aide and had to fight to keep them clear ? But how hard had the PDF fought to keep them clear, had his PDF fought hard enough ? Hard Enough ? HARD ENOUGH !
Well, there were one or two still standing, maybe a couple missing limbs on some crappy disability pension ? Or, maybe only when they are all dead would that constitute hard enough for the Hector F^%king Rex’s of this Universe ?

No, all Lord Inquisitor Hector-Rex would need, would be to look a bit closer and he was bound to find something to make just the kind of debacle necessary. To create just sufficient doubt in an already paranoid Imperium, that he could call into question Zalthars true compliance. Next, he would cease to look at the validity of their claim, but he would place the Dragon-Kin under “Quarantine”, that they might be “further investigated“. 
This Hector-Rex would use to attempt to severely embarrass him, and whilst he sought to demonstrate his Planets True Compliance, he Lord Inquisitor Hector-Rex, would have free reign, carte-blanch to carry out his dealings with the Dragon-Kin however he saw fit ! To further ensure he got things his own way, he would also probably go to great lengths to suggest that any Inquisitor placed with the Dragon-Kin Legion and not by now have proof positive of their Taint, be either incompetent or corrupt. Lord Inquisitor Hector-Rex would then proclaim by the Authority vested in him, by the Inquisition of Terra, their imbedded Inquisitor be excommunicated and another obstacle is cleared from his path ! He would then follow the “Disease” back to its source and seek to eradicate the infection entirely, “Exterminatus-Extremis!” 

If power corrupts, then absolute power corrupts absolutely.

All this was nothing new to him, nothing he, Lord Inquisitor Samuel had not foreseen on that first day home in his beloved Crystal Chamber. It was far from ideal, but Lord Samuel had a Duty to Zalthar and its people. People who had endured a Tyranid Horde, then a powerful Chaos Incursion that had not long passed, when there was the “Accident” at the Sigma Mine, triggering the biggest Natural Disaster in Zalthar’s recent History ! He would not see his people, people who looked to him for guidance in times of peace and to be their courage in times of adversity, suffer further. And suffer they would, were he to defy the Inquisition. They were being steered blindly by the petty jealousies of one man,Lord Inquisitor Hector-Rex, but unfortunately, this was a man whos star was in the ascendant, their Golden-Boy who, for now at least, could do no wrong.
He, however, Lord Inquisitor Samuel, despite his best intentions, had been away whilst the mice did play. At best an absentee Land-Lord in their eyes, any protestations from him would make him appear the petty and jealous one, and risk Zalthar being wrestled from his stewardship for keeps. That would leave the likes of Lord Inquisitor Hector-Rex to treat the Planet as his own personal plaything, precisely the type of behaviour that ensured dear Hector and he had, what was the word Captain Barceló used ? “History”, that was it, the last time their paths crossed, Samuel and Lord Inquisitor Hector-Rex had given the pair a History, and Samuel smiled.

The Dragon-kin’s faith in the Imperium of Man in tatters, their one option would be to attempt to get word of this travesty to the one Chapter they had left to place any hope in, The Salamanders. But this would be anticipated and their Communications’ would be jammed prior to the Inquisition making its first direct move by launching a full-scale attack upon their remaining forces here on Zalthar !

Lord Inquisitor Samuel sighed a deep, empty sigh. Where was his beloved Emperor in all of this ? What had become of the Empire he cherished, the Empire he fought for and would lay down his life for ? Samuel felt no pride in what would occur, the death of the Dragon-kin so he could save Zalthar having to endure yet another War ? And then there was the part he‘d tried not to think of, the last whisper he had heard that day in the Crystal-Chamber.
“My Dearest Meg, I am so sorry, but tell me Megan, tell me, are they worth it Meg ? These people, are they really worth it?”

He stood on one of the fire-steps of the Moon House, gazing out across Zalthar’s Western Desert, as the sands tugged at another sunset. The sky once more was a visceral red, and though common sense told him the copperiness in his mouth was the Ironstone sands from the Desert, it still tasted like blood.

Monday, 24 March 2014

chapter 7

2nd Battle on Zalthar

The sky was the same bloody hues across the Desert, on the outskirts of the vast and wild Herbau Forest, some 60 Miles South of 
the Capital, Astromus. One of the largest temperate Forests on Zalthar, a great many years ago it had been the site for the “Nuclear-Village”, a bold and at the time of its conception, revolutionary project. The idea had been to create a self-contained “City”, who’s primary industry was the generation and supply of a large proportion of the Plains Section of Zalthar’s Mining Industries vast energy needs. This was to be achieved through a chain of New generation Sub- Atomic Nuclear Reactors, built, run and maintained by the residents of the “Village”, hidden away in the remote safety of the Herbau Forrest. And all went well, until the alternative energy market began to gain both credibility, momentum and Market Share. Nuclear Energy, even this brand -new breed was not the cheapest, most efficient nor cleanest form of Energy Generation, and so ways had to be found to reduce the costs. Whether too many short-cuts were taken, still all these Centauries later, no one is any the wiser, but something went wrong, resulting in a thermonuclear explosion, with a yield of just under 160 Megatons, creating a crater about 80 miles wide, vaporising the “Village”, its residents and the other 5 Reactors. Still today the area remains a radioactive waste land with background levels still to dangerous to permit recolonisation.

The Imperium had done with the Salamander, and as with most things it had no further use for, it had simply discarded it, and even this was done badly, unknown to the Inquisition. The body should have been destroyed, or consigned to the deepest Void, but the Civilian Contractor involved decided to save a whole heap of cash, and dump the corpse where he though it would never, or not within his life time, be found. In the irradiated section of the Herbau Forest |! But there were others whom had a use for it too, and unlike the Imperium, their use for an Astarte’s from before the Heresy, did not end with his death, and they were not the slightest bit concerned about Radiation ! In fact, the Radiation would not only keep the Humans away, but deep within the fall-out zone they would be shielded from almost all of their Scanners,

Certainly Malidus, whom some called “the Crow” , “Dark Apostle of the 9th Coven of the Word Bearers, could think of such uses, in deed he had done little else since the Gods had foretold of a Great Gift, here, on the Planet below and his for the taking. But, Malidus knew of others, also servants of Ruin, with equally covetous thoughts who would see his plans undone and take the prize for themselves, so that they might offer it to the Pantheon in his stead, and then they, not he, would have the Masters approval. 

Damn Be'lakor and his Khornate lackeys, this was his moment, after those two arrogant fools that would call themselves Primarch’s failed to make a gift of this planet, this Zalthar and its infinite Riches to their Masters, the Pantheon was displeased. It wept, it moaned and it cursed, could these fools not hear, for it was in sore need of the sweet succour of souls, and from Malidus‘s own two hands, that is what it would have ! The sweetest of souls, one kept cold and waiting, marinating in betrayal !

And now Malidus was ready to make good on that oath. Standing on lip of a blackened valley, torched by that disaster many cycles ago, He surveyed the scene before him. As far as he could see in any direction lay a strange, ruined landscape of black, leafless trees, twisted twiggy shrubs and stumps, sprouting from an ashen earth To his front, way out in the gathering dark somewhere, stood his enemy, bands of whatever Daemons and Warp beings that Be'lakor and his Khornate Allies could drag to their pathetic cause. Their venture had no form, no purpose, it had not been written as had his !

With Malidus were his retinue of the truest and best, his most skilled Warriors, all in Tactical Dreadnought Armour - his Terminators. These were his Guard, his Elite, each one of whom would die for him a hundred times over and still feel themselves wanting. Crackling blue flame, further imbued with Witch-fire danced across the fearsome Talons’ of their Lightning Claws, heavy Combination Bolter-Flamers dangled at waists, drip, dripping sizzling promethium, whilst some clutched powerful Reaper-Autocannon‘s, whose stream of mass-reactive shells would literally blast their opponents’ in two !

To his right, stood Mourvin, First Acolyte of the 9th Coven, of the Word Bearers, commanding his own contingent of Bearers of the Sacred Word of their Primarch, his Book of Lorgar, bound in Human-Skin and bound to his right thigh by cast-iron chains with barbed links that would tear his flesh as he walked, keeping fresh in his mind the sufferings their Lord had endured at the hands of his own father !

Between them stretched two Companies of “The Children”. These son/daughters of Slaanesh had for days now been fed nought but sips of the milk-venom of the Daemon Prince C’aatlyis until their brains almost boiled in their skulls. They nattered and stamped, systems racing with the equivalent of lethal doses of combat styms racing through their systems. A little like spending two days on a diet of espresso’s and Redd Bull (Do NOT try this at Home !).

Directly to Malidus’s right’, were the brooding flesh-metal forms of the Obliterator Cult. These hulking Man-machines stood as break-waters before a sea-storm, unflinching and solid, cycling through their organic weaponry with consummate ease and the skill of master-craftsmen These were indeed the Lords-of-War, violence elementals that lived for the depth of battle, the heat of the fray, their defining purpose.
Beyond them, now hidden in part by the mist that rolled in with the Dark, he could just make out the shapes and spine-chilling murmurs of his possessed, “The Incised”.
Named after the ritual incisions that covered their skin and armour, never differentiating between the two, reciting entire treatise from the Book of Lorgar in every minute detail, every pen stroke a flourish faithfully duplicated.. But as Battle drew near, come closer - subtle changes were now being made manifest, as bones thickened and lengthened, muscles bulked and teeth extended through lips, Closer, spines twisted and eyes widened, pupils splitting wolf-like, Closer - spines forced their way up through flesh as men screamed, as fingers broke then knitted as talons, CLOSER -wailed as tongues swelled and split to forks and horns erupted from foreheads, tusks burst from frayed cheeks’ and Daemon Blood boiled in their veins. Til at last they crouched in the mist, shining, panting with blood and sweat in the light of the Moon when the darks accompanying mists parted.
Beyond the “Incised” were further Companies of “The Children” and then to the far right, alone and unflinching, were the Plague Marines’ all, though they fought for Gold as much as Gangrene on this day. Solid and reliable, Drachaen, Malidus’s Coryphaus and Militarist, had chosen them to anchor this flank

Wings folded, the Daemon Prince\Princess C’aatlyis dropped to Malidus’s right, bowing in mock humility
”Greetings Crow-father, I see you have preened your flock !”
“I trust that you have prepared our Children ? The time is almost upon us, can you not smell 
Be'lakor’s great un-washed rabble out there between the trees ?”

C’aatlyis shot what appeared to some, to be an almost nervous glance out towards the tree line and the occasional flittering shape of the Daemon and Warp-born things within, for whilst it yearned for War and the excesses that would bring, C’aatlyis was basically a coward at heart, saved at such times by the great strength of its base desires.

Be'lakor did indeed have Khornate Allies, lots of Khornate Allies, and hordes of Bloodletters filled every slight depression and fold around the clearing in which he stood. And net to him stood the Bloodletters Lord and Master in thie realm, a huge crimson Bloodthirster, over 12 foot at the shoulder, arms like saplings. In one hand a Whip with barbs of fire, twisted and coiled as if it were a serpent, whilst in the other he held a Great Axe, his hand on the top of the strapped haft, the heavy bladed head in the ash of the wood floor, some 3 meters below.
Off to one side, Be'lakor could also see some Skull Cannons rolling effortlessly through the trees, almost silent across the ash.
“We’ll not be burning them out my fiery friend,“ Be'lakor half joked, waving his hand across the charred, irradiated wasteland.
“We will kill”, replied the Bloodthirster, “my Troops are loyal and strong and the mist, the trees and the folds in the earth trees may let us close on them whilst my cannons play a tune of Death amongst their Ranks.”
“Let us hope you Lord Khorne will it be so !”
Standing his axe against a tree, the Bloodthirster walked to the centre of the clearing, beckoning for one of the nearby Bloodletters to come forward. As it came within his reach, his hand shot from his side as he gabbed the unfortunate creature. With a mighty hand wrapped around its head, he lifted it higher so all around could see. Confident all had seen the Bloodletter dangling from his mighty fist, he squeezed, and with a ‘crack’, its skull exploded, showering him in gore.
“Blood, for the Blood God”, he bellowed, before reaching up with his other hand and tearing the thing in two. He threw half into each of the nearest herds of Bloodletters who eagerly fell upon their former comrade, ripping what was left to pieces and consuming it in a blur of frenzied activity. When this was done, all the Bloodletters turned to face their Lord, and one by one took up the chant !

“Blood, for the Blood God,

Blood, for the Blood God,

Blood, for the Blood God, 

Blood, for the Blood God,

Blood, for the Blood God ………………..”.

The growling and chanting from within certain sectioned of the Woods seemed to increase in a steadily developing pattern, now gradually being accompanied by the rhythmic stamping of feet that was growing in tempo of feet.

Sensing the danger rise, Malidus was fast to respond to break the growing “spell” of perceived menace the noise was generating. With just a gesture of his hand to one of the Sergeants of the “Children”, the mans face split open length-ways, two tongues basting saliva along the fresh opening as a disturbing sound began deep in his chest. The next moment the Hell-Shriek burst forth with such force that some, caught unawares were knocked from their feet, though all grimaced and covered their ears. From within the closest stand of trees, several figures stumbled forwards from cover, blood flowing from their, ears, noses and mouths, whilst their now crazed eyes rolled madly in eviscerated socket’s. There was silence briefly, then a relieved funereal laughter rippled through the ranks as the tension was released.

A fierce howl tore forth from further within the woods, picked up along the length of the enemy line, now it would begin.

Several deep sonic discharges pulsed as Khorne’s Shull Cannons spoke and from the mist came hurtling fiery skull that burst within the ranks of the nearest Company of “The Children”, incinerating some and instantly reducing one or two to columns of ash, and his Bloodletters came forth in hordes. Malidus’s arm shot up, fist clenched, the line answering as Bolters were racked up, magazines pushed tight-home and weapons cocked in a staccato wave of metallic - clicks. From within the Woods the cries grew louder, closer, as did the scrabbling of claws. Bronze and Gold Trumpets blared in synchronicity if not harmony, accompanied by all manner of barks, snarls and growls as from within the Woods, the cries grew louder, closer !


More incendiary skulls screamed from within the far trees, their trajectory wide and long, causing them to burst close behind the “Incised” , the conflagration felling their Champion, who burned without a sound. 


All along the line, Heavy weapons roared, and one of “The Children’s” Lascannon snap-fired into the trees, catching an unwary Skull Cannon in it‘s low wattage targeting beam. Locked, the Photonic Crystal Beam penetrated the armour, destroying the Daemonic Construct in flash incandescent light, that illuminated the leering grin on the mouth of its kin’s Cannon. A mouth that seemed to chuckle as it slipped away between the blackened trunks. Further down the line, were the flashes of other Lascannon’s, and the bright Blue-White of Plasma Guns spitting death into advancing Ranks of Bloodletters !


The air was filled with the flapping of great leathery wings and incantations as Be'lakor and the Giant Bloodthirster swooped in to wreck havoc, the air filing with Bolter rounds Plasma, and streams of Auocannon tracer danced about the low clouds. Lit from the many fires now raging below, the Heavens once again glowed red and the air was filled with the rage of the living and the cries of the dying as s still the host of Khorne kept on to the blasts of their great bronze Trumpets !


The Great Bloodthirster landed, then bellowing in furry at the rounds that pattered against thick-scaly hide and Warp-Forged Armour, stalked off through a wall of incoming fire, toward the point in the line where stood the Mourvin and Word Bearers’ most faithful. With his fire-barbed Whip and Great Axe, he carved a path through the sea of nameless Warp-spawned minions that ebbed and flowed through such battles, owing allegiance to neither one side nor the other, but as he approached the lines of the Mortals, he drew the attention of Malidus’s Terminator’s. Upon who upon seeing one of the Blood Gods favoured Sons advancing toward their Brethren, and first Acolyte Mourvin, the Terminator’s opened up rapid sustained fire from their Combi-Bolters, supported by a Reaper Autocannon. A Company of “The Children” also paused from strafing the Woods, to concentrate on this more immediate threat, one of their Plasma Gunners, inflicting upon this Servant of Khorne, a most grievous harm ! Having suffered wounds that would have felled most foes, the Bloodthirster merely crouched, but as he went to straighten, his whole body convulsed with a series of spasms as the heavy shells of the Obliterator Cult’s Autocannon’s found their mark, literally cutting him down with a blizzard of fire. 
And so it was that the Mighty Bloodthirster fell, it having taken a barrage of fire to halt his inexorable advance !



Be'lakor too had landed, though not unscathed, so with a word of his sorceries’, he smudged his outline rendering all but invisible and impossible to strike. With a second word, he cast doubt into the minds of the “Incised”, causing their Daemons to squirm uncomfortably within them. Be'lakor‘s third word died on his lip‘s, its power denied him, as he charged the “Incised“. Their Daemon Kin however were strengthened from within, moving faster and wielding their weaponised limbs with greater ease as they fought back against Be'lakor with wild abandon. Even with his lightning fast reflexes, he was only marginally faster than the “Incised”, the Blade of Shadows only wounding two of them, although killing them with ease. Despite his Invisibility, the attacks of the “Incised“ were so ferocious, Be'lakor suffered three grievous wounds in return from their fanatically flailing limbs, that even his Shadow Forms increased Invulnerability could not save him from. Struggling with his wounds, Be'lakor still attacked again with renewed effort, though failed somehow to land any telling blows, and with the three “Incised” still standing cut him down. His Dark Soul reached for the Internal Warrior within him, clawed fingers groping, clutching for that strand of power at his core, but it slipped from his grasp. 
His efforts to claim the shell of the Salamander and whatever secrets it may have held had been in vain, and he dropped to his knees, before slumping heavily to the charred earth and lay still.

Closer still.

“Present“, cried Malidus, and Bolters were pulled to shoulders.
And a living wave of Bloodletters poured from the mist, moonlight flashing from scores of Hellblade’s as they rose for the kill ! 
But, at the very same moment, along entire line and at the shortest range he had dared risk, the tense, coiled spring that for cycle upon cycle C’aatlyis and its nerve tingling milk-venom had wound, Malidus’s single word released.
“Now !“
The discharge was deafening, precise and brutally efficient, a long drawn out repost, like the sound of tearing a sheet of the freshest fine paper. The 1st salvo tore into the Bloodletters with devastating effect. Arms raised to deliver their killing blows, the mass-reactive shells tore into the Bloodletters unprotected chests and bellies, virtually ripping the first rank in half and shredding the second, but the momentum kept them coming. Although their overwatch fire did fell a few stragglers, it was but an echo of a charge that tumbled into the ranks of “The Children”, who as every Child of Slaanesh, still possessed their preternatural speed. Still fuelled by Catalysis’ milk-venom as well, “The Children” then fell upon the surviving Bloodletters in close combat before they could gather themselves to strike, and within a few gruesome moments, it was all over.

Malidus, in an unknown moment of compassion, raised his hand, and all along the line, his Soldiers stopped. Servant of Chaos and pledged to the Ruinous Powers he maybe, but he had been a Soldier once, and so had his men. No there would be no more killing here today, and staring at the nearest startled Bloodletter, he angrily waved it away. He did not have to show it twice, and within moments, the field was clear !

Unlike the unfortunate Be'lakor, or at least this incarnation of him, for he would doubtless find another shell. Malidus on the other hand had a shell somewhere around here for someone else to play with !
“Oh Demitasse !
There was a bustling for a while behind him and Malidus could hear the name being called over and over further and further back. Then there were a few moments silence, before the sound of shuffling feet and laboured breaths, and a slightly confused Apothecary Demitasse appeared, looking wonderfully manic.
“I’m sorry Demitasse, I really do blame myself entirely for your condition you know, simply can’t find you enough to do ! Today however, I’m going to rectify that, I will shortly have a fresh, well freshish Astarte’s for you, pre- Heresy vintage !”
“You are too, too kind my Lord, too kind.”
“ Mourvin will show you.”
And with that the 9th Cabal’s Apothecary, Demitasse, previously of The Quillborn Chapter, until they found him too unwell for their tastes. Well, he fit with the 9th Coven perfectly, for we are all a little Mad here !