Tuesday, 29 July 2014

The great beast

The moment the races were pulled through the gas filled atmosphere they realized what the planet truly was. A forge world. And not a normal one, but a rampant forge world far out of the imperiams fold. The entire planet was a gigantic sprawling city, with spires jutting out into the sky like spears trying to thrust into the heart of space. At it's epicenter was a great circular gravity well, bathing the surrounding cities in an eerie pulsating blue glow. The planet was sentient, and hungry.
High above the planet, the eldar watched the jaws of oblivion begin to close shut around the armies that would have waged war upon them. It was hardly a spectacle to see so many die, afterall they had witnessed and in sometimes organized the entire genocide of entire races, a few ships was hardly a pinprick in the universe. But the planet fascinated them, something had gone awry during its construction, and it had grown some level of sentience, and they could feel it, even up in there lofty positions, and it scared them. It was after many hours of staring in awe at the great planet that Eldrad finally returned, and not alone. At first they thought he must be casting some ward and quickly the other seers readied themselves for defense, but it was not so. Standing behind Eldrad, was the figure of what could only be described as an angel. It was Baharroth, the cry of the wind, the guardian angel of the Eldar. It was then that the farseers realized truly the threat of the planet. If it consumed those ships, it would finally have enough of the precious materials needed to ensure the entire planet would be come a fully mobile sentient space station, something no race could endure. Despite knowing it would cost a vast amount of their number to die, the farseers solembly entered the crystal dome and began there enchantment. As one they began, and as they began the great gravity well began to falter.
Quickly the other races realized the pull was weakening and all made haste for the atmosphere, and soon scattered themselves in the surrounding planetary system. Afraid of the planet, but sorely tempted by its secrets. And so the races settled down on nearby planets, in sight of the great red beast, and settled for war against both the other races who sought to kill them or take the prize. The eldar, thankless for saving them and having lost all but 3 of there farseers, set themselves up on the outskirts, knowing there would be more than one conflict to come there way.
Deep in the red planets core, lights flickered on. Binary code flashed throughout an otherwise dark room. Ancient technologies that should better be left alone was activated, and archetech from the darkest days of the imperium powered up. The planet readied itself for war, and its master let out his first smile in centuries. Finally, it was almost ready.

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